Itineraries outside Verona

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Very close Verona

Itineraries outside Verona. Thanks to the geographical position, from Verona you can explore a high number of small towns within an hour and a half by car at the most. Small towns hide treasures you cannot immagine and are out of touristic routes. You can enjoy countryside landscapeartfood , wine and relax at the many spa.

The villas of Palladio

Palladian Villa
Palladian Villa

Vicenza, is at 50 km from Verona, the city of Andrea Palladio with the largest number of Palladian palaces. Nearby are the most beautiful Venetian villas scattered in the small towns of the province. Driving to Vicenza we meet Soave, a medieval wallw town more famous for its wine.

Lake Garda

Going West of Verona before reaching Mantua, stop to explore the small towns on the shore of Lake Garda. A couple of names: Peschiera, Lazise, Malcesine, Torri del Benaco, Sirmione, DesenzanoSalòGardoneGargnano…

Walled towns

Medieval Venetian town

Close to Padua don’t miss MontagnanaEsteMonseliceLuvignano and the Villa dei Vescovi, Valsanzibio villa Valsanzibio and it’s magnific italian garden, Arquà Petrarca a medieval town choosen as residence by some Italian humanists because of its gentle landscape. North of Padua, Piazzola on the Brenta River boasts the Villa Contarini, one of the largest baroque style patrician rural palace. Cittadella an example of medieval walled towns.

South of Verona the province of Rovigo is located in the Po Delta, an ideal place for nature lovers, birth watching…

itineraries outside verona

Canova and the Prosecco

Some more itineraries outside Verona… In the province of Treviso small towns as Castelfranco VenetoVittorio VenetoFanzolo, Asolo, Maser, Possagno the hometown of Canova, Valdobbiadene and Conegliano lands of the Prosecco wine.

Then let yourself be taken into the province where its varied landscapes will show you hills rich in vineyards, olive groves and cherry orchards, mountains with caves, sinks, marble sphinxes, ravines and the effects of slow soil-erosion.

You can relax among rivers, lakes and hills and you will finally come to the extensive veronese plains which abound in springs and rivers where hardworking, patient people have cultivated rice over the centuries.

Ask for a guide for your itineraries outside Verona and specify your needs. Some ideas and themes:

The wine routes of Soave – Valpolicella – Custoza – Bardolino – Valdadige – Lake GardaLake Garda –

Palladian Villas in the whole Veneto area – Sanctuaries – Gardens and parks and The cultivation of rice in the “Bassa” Plane”

Walled towns in the Veneto region

Vicenza – MantuaPadua Sirmione